Produk Denmark yang diboikot di sebuah pasaraya di Arab Saudi.
Macam-macam betul akhir-akhir ni. Saya kira isu pemaparan gambar kartun Nabi saw di Denmark akan beransur-ansur diam setelah akhbar tersebut, Jyllands-Posten, meminta maaf kepada umat Islam seluruh dunia. Dah tahu lukisan gambar Nabi amat dilarang dalam Islam, mereka buat juga. Sekarang, terima sahajalah akibatnya. Kan dah kena boikot. Apa yang membimbangkan saya, ke'kurang ajar'an rakyat Eropah ini akan semakin menyalakan api terorisma.
Bila orang dah minta maaf, maka maafkan lah sahaja. 31 Januari 2006, akhbar Denmark tersebut telah minta ampun. Tutup kes. Tapi sebab ada lagi orang-orang yang degil di Perancis, Jerman, Itali dan Sepanyol, mereka melakukan cetakan semula gambar kartun Nabi tersebut pada 1 Februari 2006 - iaitu sehari selepas tindakan minta maaf akhbar Denmark.
Tak ke nampak bodoh tindakan mereka tu? Lagi nak nyalakan api. Sebab mereka cetak semula gambar Nabi tu? Ya..tidak lain dan tidak bukan - freedom of expression. Ini semua datang dari fahaman hak asasi manusia. Di Malaysia kita ni pun sama juga. Sikit-sikit hak asasi. Sebab takut nak langgar hak asasi manusia, hukum syariat Allah dicampak jauh.
Hari ini pula, berita terkini melaporkan bahawa editor akhbar France Soir yang bertanggungjawab dalam penyiaran semula kartun tersebut telah pun dipecat. Good news. Tapi apa yang membimbangkan saya, manusia hari ini sudah tidak melihat agama sebagai sebuah institusi yang suci. Sebab itu berlaku konflik dari segi Kebebasan Bersuara dan Menghormati Agama Orang Lain.
Dalam Quick Poll CNN, lebih kurang 70% responden berpendapat bahawa penyiaran semula kartun tersebut pada akhbar-akhbar Eropah adalah wajar dilakukan. Ini bukti bahawa 'agama' hak asasi manusia semakin mendapat tempat berbanding agama.
Tapi saya tahu, masih ramai lagi orang-orang bukan Islam yang menghormati agama Islam. Ketua Rabbi Perancis, Joseph Sitruk, yang turut mengutuk tindakan France Soir itu telah berkata:
"We gain nothing by lowering religions, humiliating them and making caricatures of them. It's a lack of honesty and respect....freedom of expression is not a right without limits."
- Anger grows over Muhammad cartoon
- French editor fired over cartoons
- In pictures: Cartoon outrage
P.S. Rasa kelakar pula bila ada beberapa orang kawan saya yang tidak tahu langsung tentang isu ini. Alahai.
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I find the picture under 'Cartoon outrage' offensive.
This only shows that both the non-Muslims and the Muslims are themselves losing their adab. Astaghfirullah.
At a time when Muslims should take the opportunity to show what is truth and the best example, we perpertrate the same foolishness.
Anak Alam
I sometimes confuse with their actions. Is that legally prohibited in Islam, or it just not a good manner, in which every Muslim should avoid that.
Maybe you can elaborate your opinion :)
Adinda Tawel,
I am not a cyber mufti nor a khalifah trying to guide the world from behind a computer screen. What I would relate here would be the one I have taken from Teachers, among others Sidi Afifi.
Burning another country's flag is not a first occurrence. We have seen thus happening in so many occasions. After 9/11, on the eve of Afghanistan and Iraq wars, even years before that.
The hukm if you want the fiqh ruling is makruh, given the current world political climate.
WHat I mean is, burning a flag in essence is a mubahat action. It does not constitute committing wrong unless the action is coupled with a wrong niyyat.
The original qa'idah is (any ustaz/ah can correct me if the Arabic/quotation is wrong)'al-mubahat tasiru al-ibadat bi niyyati hasanat' - a mubah action leads to an act of worship if the niyyat is commendable.
As it is, 'al-mubahat tasiru al-ma'siyyat bi niyyati qabihat.'
So, from the original ruling of mubah to burn a flag (i.e. just about any flag), in the case of burning the flags ofthe countries (France, Denmark etc) embroiled in this issue, it becomes makruh (i.e. raised to the level of ma'siyyat) due to the uncommendable consequences. What are these?:
1. it leads to more fitnah for the faith
2. it promotes violence and anger among Muslims and non-Muslims
3. the drawing is already foolish, but the reaction is even more foolish.
The burning of the flag, however, can becomes haram if the authority in which a Muslim resides has produces either a publicised instruction or includes in their contituents the injunction to forbid burning others flags. It becomes haram because the Muslim would commit an act against that of his leader, and the law of his country.
In the case of burning the embassies, this is clearly haram. The reason is because the embassies are public building in which reside people (whether Muslim or not) whom the state/country has bestows amn, or passage of security. Their lives should not only be protected by the muhtasib (the law-orderer) but also by the citizens of the country.
We are moved, (and those who are not moved must have been lower than animals!) by the action of our scholars in Beirut and Syria, who themselves went out to these buildings, stood in front of the people asking them not to damage the buildings. They were really doing their job, may Allah grant them blessings forever and ever!
But despite this, the Muslim public there has lost not only their adab in putting things at the right place, but their head by not only going against the common courtesy but also the law of the state and the law or the religion, as espoused by the Prophet(s.a.w) in whose very name they say they wanted to protect.
Allah, forgive us all!
Anak Alam
Thank you Anak Alam for your opinions :). It helps me a lot!
maka hancurkan lah mreka yg mmbuat krusuhan di atas bumi...
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