Spring's Gift poem was originally written by our beloved teacher, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. This beautiful poem is a tribute to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him. Of course, the poem is longer than what your eyes see here =) .It'd be nice if you can spend your time to read the rest of the poem. Please log on to Zaytuna Institute.
2 Komen • Tambah Komen↴
ehehe...tumpang lalu...nak inform skit sy dah save pict ni jadi wallpaper in my pc..dah save bru nak minta kebenaran...hehe..sori ek...thanx..for this poem...:)
Takpe2..no problem at all.. Tapi kesian la plak kan sebab kecik je gambar tu..takpe, lain kali saya buat 2 versions..satu utk blog, satu lagi untuk wallpaper :)
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