This Caturday, we will still breathe in the good air of Syaaban. That is the last Caturday before we enter the blessing month of Ramadhan 1428H, the most awaited month in the calendar of Islam.
The Caturday after that last Caturday would probably fall on the 3rd of Ramadhan. So I would like to wish to all my respected readers a Happy Ramadhan. May this Ramadhan improves our iman and taqwa towards Allah.
This is the best month of purification and forgiveness. Don't waste it. The only enemy we will have is just within ourself; it is our own nafs. Do not worry about Satan. He will surely be locked tight in the pit of Hell in the next two Caturdays.

Anyway, a Ramadhan section at Zaytuna Institute may help and guide us. All the best in this coming Ramadhan. May Allah increase our knowledge and station. Amin.
NB: Caturday is the recent internet lolcat meme. This term was first popularized by some folks at ICanHasCheezeBurger.
6 Komen • Tambah Komen↴
Salam Ramadhan untuk Tawel Sensei. Tolong doakan kak Azma dalam bulan penuh barakah ni.
Wishing you Happy Ramadhan and all the best too!
I like the "somebody is leaving" picture very much.
Wa'alaikumussalam :)
InsyaAllah Kak al-Bazrah. Doakan saya juga.
To Zunnur, that cartoon was made popular around Ramadhan 2003 and became viral in the next Ramadhan after that. I still remember the mosque here pinned it on the noticeboard four years ago. Very hilarious, yet carries a very strong message.
: )
Ingatkan apa bendanya Caturday tu... baca dua kali baru faham. :)
Salam Ramadhan.
assalamualaikum, saya sangat berminat dengan isi kandungan yang dipaparkan dalam blog ini. tahniah diucapkan. saya ingin meminta izin untuk mengambil sedikit kandungan blog ini untuk disebarkan pada kawan-kawan.terima kasih. selamat menyambut ramadan al mubarak.
Terima kasih :) Keizinan diberikan. Selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak juga!
Ada komen atau soalan?
Setiap komen insya-Allah dibaca kesemuanya. Dibalas jika perlu. Dibuang jika tak berkaitan. Sekian adanya.